Jokes Generator with python

Jokes Generator with python

In this Blog article, we will learn how to Create Jokes Generator with Python. We will see the implementation in python.

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What will be covered in this Blog

1. Pyjokes Introduction
2. Generating jokes with Pyjokes

Pyjokes Introduction:

Pyjokes is a python library for one line jokes for programmers (jokes as a service). You can get funny one-liner, mostly related to programming. This is a fun python library. It returns a random joke from the given category in the given language.

Supported Languages By Pyjokes

  • English – ‘en’
  • Spanish – ‘es’
  • Italian – ‘it’
  • German – ‘de’
  • Galician – ‘gl’
  • Basque – ‘eu’

Categories Included In Pyjokes

  • For geeky jokes -’neutral’ (It is chosen by default)
  • For Chris Norris Jokes – ‘chuck’.
  • If you want all type of jokes – ‘all’
  • There is one more category known as ‘twister’ which only works for the German Language (‘de’) and mostly includes tongue twister.

If you wish to know more about it, you can refer to Pyjokes Documentation. Use this link to navigate to the documentation.

Now that you are aware of Pyjokes basics, we can move forward to the coding section.

Time to Code!

You can find all the code at my GitHub Repository. Drop a star if you find it useful.


In order to access the Python library, you need to install it into your Python environment, use the following command to install pyjokes

pip install pyjokes

Now, let's import the package in our python script.

import pyjokes

There are two methods in pyjokes-

  • get_joke()
  • get_jokes()

1. get_joke()

It only returns one joke at a time. It is generated randomly.

Parameters – It has two parameters- language and category.

Return TypeIt returns string type (str).

Now, let's retrieve the joke

joke1 = pyjokes.get_joke(language='en', category= 'all')  

#display the joke

#A programmer was found dead in the shower. Next to their body was a bottle of shampoo with the instructions 'Lather, Rinse and Repeat'.

Let's try a different category:

joke2 = pyjokes.get_joke(language='en', category= 'neutral')

#display the joke

#There are 10 types of people: those who understand trinary, those who don't, and those who have never heard of it.

2. get_jokes()

It returns a list of jokes.

Parameter– The parameters are the same as above- language and category.

Return type*It returns a list.

Now let's fetch some jokes.

jokes = pyjokes.get_jokes(language='en', category= 'neutral')

for i in range(5):

And you will get a list of jokes. You can alter the number the times the loop runs to fetch more number of jokes.

This is how you generate jokes. This is all about the generating jokes with Python. That's it! simple, isn't it? Hope this tutorial has helped.

You can play around with the library and explore more features and even make use of Python GUI using Tkinter.

You can find all the code at my GitHub Repository. Drop a star if you find it useful.

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See you in my next Blog article, Take care

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