12 Python Tips & Tricks You must know

12 Python Tips & Tricks You must know

Hello reader!

In this Blog post, I will share some useful code snippets and functions in Python. Give it a read.

Let's get started!

1. Memory

The method getsizeof can be used to retrieve the size of any object. Here's an example of the same.

import sys 
number = 100 

#output: 28

2. Swapping

The easiest way to swap values without any third variable. This is how you can do it.

a, b = 10, 20
a, b = b, a

print(a) # 20
print(b) # 10

3. Anagrams

An anagram is a play on words created by rearranging the letters of the original word to make a new word or phrase. we can sort the string values using sorted method, which does not modify the original string. Here's an example of the same.

def anagram(first, second):
    return sorted(first)== sorted(second)

res = anagram('heart', 'earth')
print(res) #True

4. Shuffle

In order to shuffle the elements of a list, shuffle method from random module can be used. Check out the implementation of the same.

from random import shuffle

my_list = [7, 23, 9, 35]

print(my_list) #[35, 7, 9, 23]

5. Palindrome

A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequences of characters that reads the same backward as forward. The code snippet will check for palindrome strings.

def check_palindrome(value):
    return value == value[::-1]

res = check_palindrome('level')
print(res) #True

6. Running Time

time module can be used to calculate the actual running time amongst other methods. Refer to the implementation of the same.

import time

start_time = time.time()

num1 = 12
num2 = 15
num3 = num1 * num2
print(num3) #180

end_time = time.time()

total_time = end_time - start_time
print("Time: ", total_time)

# (Time: 0.0005068778991699219)

7. Most frequent

The max method returns the most frequently occurring element of the list.

def most_frequent(my_list):
    return max(set(my_list), key = my_list.count)

nums = [7,10,50,35,10,50,29,10,10,50,4,10]

res = most_frequent(nums) 
print(res) #10

8. Fetch Vowels

Function to return all the vowels occurring in the given string.

def vowels(string):
    return [each for each in string if each in 'aeiou'] 

res = vowels('youtube')
print(res)  # ['o', 'u', 'u', 'e']

9. Convert Lists into Dictionary

zip method with dict helps to convert two lists into a dictionary. Here's an example of the same.

def convert(key, value):
    return dict(zip(key, value))

key = ["apple", "mango", "banana"]    
value = [10, 20, 30]

print(convert(key, value))
#Output: {'apple': 10, 'mango': 20, 'banana': 30}

10. Print a string k times

The following code snippet will show you how to display a string k times.

value ="Python"; 
k = 3

print(value * k) #PythonPythonPython

11. Has duplicates

The following function will return False if any duplicate is found in the given list.

def has_duplicates(my_list):
    return len(my_list) != len(set(my_list))

my_list = [7,23,45,7,10,23,93]

res = has_duplicates(my_list) 
print(res) #True

12. Chained Comparison

In order to perform multiple comparisons in a single line, a chained comparison can be used.

num1 = 27
num2 = 45

print(27 == num1 < num2) #True

That's all for this Blog folks and with that, it's a wrap! I hope you found the article useful.

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